Thursday, December 13, 2007

Back On The Air!

After a nine month hiatus, the Mohawk Radio Show (The Cure For The Common Show) is back on the air on its all-new station, Chief Jack Radio on Live365. The live shows air Monday and Wednesday nights at 8:30 PM Pacific Time, 11:30 PM Eastern. When the show's not on, you can hear our impressive playlist 24/7. Want to try it out? Just click HERE. We feature recent hits along with classic rock, rock, pop, and several other genres--including an impressive amount of Indie music. Our French and Hispanic fans can also hear music in their language as part of our mix. Coming in 2008 will be some interesting things that you'll want to be a part of.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Is The World Ending?

Quite a few people, especially the very religious, may be wondering if "end times" are upon us. We have been seeing violent and fairly frequent seismic activity in the "Ring of Fire", like the recent 8.0 earthquake off the coast of Peru. Wildfires, even though a number of them were started by arsonists, have been ravaging the United States and now Greece, where it is estimated that over half the country is being affected by the infernos.

The threat of global warming is hanging over us. Quite a few places have reported their warmest temperatures ever, even in Europe. Scientists say that the northern hemisphere's ice cover is at an all-time low. Polar bear populations may plummet because of warmer weather. Mountains of ice are breaking off of Antarctica. Torrential rains are striking in locations which normally see nowhere near the amount they've been getting. Hurricanes and cyclones are getting stronger.

Once again, the nations of the world are engaging in what used to be known as "rattling sabers". The United States illegally invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and now we don't know how to get out of that mess that's rapidly becoming "Vietnam II". North Korea's nuclear research is scaring other countries, as is similar work in Iran. Iran's leader threatens to exterminate the Jewish State. China is entering the space race and says they will be building a base on the Moon.

There has been a rise in hate crimes, and America is rapidly becoming anti-Hispanic because of illegal immigration.

These are all alarming factors that seem to mirror the so-called "end times" predicted in the Christian Bible. Should we be afraid that our ultimate end is closer than we think? Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for about 120 million years, yet the technological development of humanity is threatening to cut short our reign in way less than 4 million years. Biblical prediction or not, we need to take a good look at ourselves and change our ways before it's too late.

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Time Is Right To Change Our Government

There comes a time when people can only take so much before they explode. Are we finally reaching that point? As long-time fans of my Internet radio show and my many on-line publications know, I have been in the Presidential campaign for the last two elections, and I am running again in 2008.

In 2000, I decided to do it as a joke and mentioned it just months before the election. I got, much to my surprise, many write-in votes, especially from Florida--votes that Bush "bought back" and added to his total--which led to the vote-counting fiasco in that state.

In 2004, I decided to get serious and added a Web Site, and watched an amazing thing develop. It seems that school-age Americans not old enough to vote are still interested in politics, and the so-called "major" candidates don't give a rat's behind about people under voting age. That left me as the only candidate who would answer these kids' questions about issues and the race for the Oval Office.

I received huge amounts of E-mails from grade school and high school students from all over America, and I guess my replies struck a chord with a number of parents. Part of my platform called for Bush to be arrested and brought before the World Court to stand trial for his crimes against humanity, and this so scared The Man Who Would Be King that he had my name stricken from the polls, and my sources tell me that some people were intimidated against voting for me.

Even without being on the official ballot, a good number of citizens demanded their right to a paper, hand-filled ballot, and over 36,000 write-in votes were cast for me, although the Bush Man had them "disappear". I know this is true because my own write-in vote for me was never tabulated. The number was arrived at by my information network, who took exit polls at voting stations across America.

So, here's your decision in 2008: Do you want the same old lame-ass government that's based on loyalty to who lines their pockets and underwrites their campaign, or do you want to restructure our government with the only candidate who will not take campaign contributions, has a plan to reduce prices across the board, control overly huge salaries and the cost of housing, has a definite plan for taking our troops out of the Middle East and at the same time secure our borders, and establish a price limit on gasoline, among other things?

Chief Jack's Native American Party will make America great again. Visit for all the details, then DEMAND your right to a handwritten ballot in November 2008 (because you know they're still afraid of me and will try to deny I'm a candidate, or that I even exist) and vote Chief Jack For President.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Eve Of The CRB Rate Rape

As I write this, it is the eve of the Copyright Royalties Board/RIAA/Sound Exchange rape of webcasters. It's still Saturday the 14th on the West Coast, and in a couple of hours, July 15 will be here---the date that these bandits have set for the new music royalty rates to take effect, rates that none of the webcasters can afford and will put us out of business.

Earlier this week, Sound Exchange tried to sneak one past us, trying to dupe major webcasters such as Live365 and Yahoo Launchcast to sign an agreement to keep the rates as they are pre-July 15th. SE was hoping we would jump on it, but we were smart enough to read the small print before signing the agreement, an agreement that could cost Live365 and Yahoo BILLIONS of dollars a year within the next couple of years.

That small print stated the rates would only stay as they now are until the end of 2008, when SE would again try to bump them up--and there was a clause in there that all webcasters agreeing to the contract would give up their right to ever go to court to stop future rate hikes while dropping their challenge of the current proposed rate hike.

This is the kind of criminals webcasters are dealing with, ladies and gentlemen. They are trying to pass royalty rate hikes that would go 90 percent into their own pockets (which they call "administrative and processing fees"), and the remaining 10%, after a few more deductions, would be crumbs offered to the artists and songwriters.

Even under the current rates, artists sometimes have to threaten court action in order to get their meager royalty payments. By the way, over-the-air radio stations pay NO royalties, and satellite radio pays amounts WAY lower than what they want to charge webcasters. The plan is so crystal clear you can read through it from here. Web stations have Indie artists, the ones the major labels are trying to shut out of the process, in heavy rotation, and this increases their popularity while decreasing major label artists' airplay.

Webcasters may attempt to pay these exorbitant fees and wind up bankrupt as they try to follow the law, and after they shut down, any money they've paid goes into Sound Exchange's pocket and eliminates the competition for the majors---a win/win for SE.

Whether or not I get back on the air depends on what is decided in regards to the new royalty rates. It won't kill Internet radio as a whole, but it will drive many of us to do our broadcasting in a "pirate" mode. I've been there before, as a DJ for "small market" broadcasters, so I know it CAN work. If we're driven to that, everyone loses because Sound Exchange won't get a penny of royalties while we continue to broadcast on the sly, which will make it harder for our audiences to find us .

Support Internet Radio! Get in touch with your Congressperson and demand that they support the Internet Radio Equality Bill TODAY!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Death Of Wrestler Benoit May Not Match Official Report

The official report on the death of Chris Benoit, the Canadian wrestler with a long and illustrious career, on June 25 may not be what we're being told it is. This isn't the first time that a wrestler who's been at odds with World Wrestling Entertainment owner Vince McMahon met his death with drugs as the main villain. It's been a convenient set-up on a number of occasions.

Without going into details because I still plan to write a book about this subject in the future, many of the athletes employed by McMahon who became involved with trying to help me in regards to something that McMahon's dad did many years ago have met an untimely end or wound up being blackballed.

The lucky ones were just eradicated from the sport, often due to injuries in the ring. Some of those who were tougher eggs to crack wound up paying the ultimate price, usually in some way related to drugs, both legal and illegal. In almost all of these cases, the official verdict was a drug overdose, accidental or suicidal.

Some of the names that fall in this last category include the British Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero, Brian Pillman, and Owen Hart. Hart's death differed in that it involved an "equipment malfunction" witnessed by thousands of live audience members and many more on pay-per-view TV. He was polished off in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, my sources told me the day of the "accident".

Right now, police in Fayetteville, Georgia are saying that Chris bound his wife's hands and feet, then suffocated her on either Saturday or Sunday, then did the same to his 7-year old son the following day. This fairy tale goes on to say that Benoit placed bibles near his wife and son's bodies then hung himself using the cord from an exercise machine. His wife, Nancy, was formerly married to pro wrestler Kevin Sullivan, and herself was a wrestling personality known by the name "Woman".

According to a WWE press release, Benoit sent "curious" E-mails to friends, who then forwarded these messages to the WWE, which led the wrestling organization to contact Georgia authorities so they could check up on him. The "Canadian Crippler", as he was also known, is said to have cancelled a weekend wrestling show appearance set for last weekend due to "a family problem". Benoit, who earned about $500,000 a year for his services, was certainly not suicidal or had any murderous tendencies. Why would Chris' neighbors first contact the WWE instead of the police if they suspected anything was amiss? If you thought a co-worker was, let's say, beating up his wife, would you call your employer or the police? Do you also smell that rotting fish?
A late update states that drugs, including anabolic steroids, were found in the Benoit home, but a WWE statement says Benoit was tested for drugs, as are all WWE wrestlers, in April, and he was "clean". Chris got his superb body the old-fashioned way: he worked out hard for it. perhaps that "drug-free" WWE report was a mistake by an overzealous employee that will hurt the kind of police report McMahon is hoping for.

Benoit was a remote cousin, so the "murder-suicide" angle just doesn't click with me. He wasn't that kind of man, and if a REAL investigation is conducted, instead of one probably financed by McMahon, we may find out what REALLY happened. Even if anybody in the WWE crowd knows what went down, they'll no doubt never tell because of the possible repercussions.

People who work for and with McMahon refer to him in terms that would make a sailor blush if they know he's not within earshot. The animosity over what his family has done to mine runs deep, but with his immense wealth, he's managed to keep it covered up. To him, it's a fun game to perform this covering up, and even though he's spent a fortune to keep it up, he enjoys every minute of it. Some day, the truth will come out---unless, of course, I also die from a "drug-related event" or "accident" before my book gets done.

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Day Of Silence and the CRB/RIAA Decision

Tomorrow (June 26) is being called "The Day Of Silence", a day when almost all the major Internet broadcast services, along with quite a number of terrestrial radio stations with Internet simulcasts, will go silent in order to bring attention to the fact that the RIAA and the CRB are trying to kill Web radio with unrealistically high rates.

Under the proposed new rates, a Webcaster like Mohawk Radio could be assessed a royalty fee high enough to pay for at least 10 Chevy Corvettes. Where do they expect regular Joes like us to come up with that kind of money?

In order to further irritate Webcasters (and collect even more money if Congress fails to stop the CRB/RIAA), they have delayed their "judgment day" to July 15.

Here at Mohawk Radio, we have decided to wait until that decision is made before making our next move. Again, we thank you for your continuing support.

Chief Jack™ and the staff

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Attention Classic TV Fans!

If you're a fan of the classic TV shows that are now only available in syndication, if at all, I believe you'll enjoy the series I'm currently running on Associated Content about these programs. I have a new one coming out within the next few days about police shows, but in the meantime you can check out my latest one on science fiction shows by clicking HERE. From there you can access all the others by clicking on my avatar photo on my AC page.